We spent Christmas morning at Nanna and Papou's place opening gifts. After lunch all the kids and the dads had nice long naps. Here they were playing before going to supper at their other grandparent's houses with their dads.
Once again, this was the best we could do for a picture of both of them. We didn't even have time to try and sit Justin there.
It was a very nice Christmas despite the late nights and early mornings.
We spent Christmas Eve at Nanna and Poppa's house, and then left around 1:00am to go slepp at Nanna and Papou's place. The kids got a little sleep but not much.
This was the best picture we could get of both kids together.
Auntie Melinda bought this hat for Jayden but for some reason it had braids. We used them to tie the hat on Jayden's head. It was the only way he would keep it on.