Monday, September 21, 2009

The Girls

I babysat Madison last week for a few days. She likes Dora as much as Chloe. It's funny that kids like imitating each other. Here they were watching Dora right before nap time. It was very important that they lay the exact same way.

Just because

Here are a few pictures of Jayden over the past three weeks.

Here he was just starting to eat again after the stomach flu. He was still very happy during it all.
Jayden slept a lot while he was sick, so I took out an old toy out to help me. He really likes it, he sits forward in it and makes it rock.

This was just a cute picture.


All Jayden wants to do now is stand. He still needs something to hold him, but he is very good at it. Every time he sees the camera now, he makes a silly smiling face.

Tool Man

No matter where we are or what we are doing, Jayden always finds the tools. Too bad he is not older. I am sure Daddy would enjoy the help with the renovations.

Broken Tooth

Chloe always has so much fun just running around in circles around the Island. She was doing it about three weeks ago, and she fell flat on her face. When we came to see, there was blood everywhere. I was really scared to just pick her up, Thank-God Kevin was home . Finally, she had a swollen lip and a chipped tooth. It doesn't show that much, and she didn't cry for very long. We went to see the dentist just to be sure it was OK. They didn't do anything because it is just a baby tooth.


I know, it has been a while. We hav been very busy around here. Jayden and I both had the stomach flu, but we are bth over it now. Now Chloe and him have a very bad cough, but we haven't had to go to the hospital yet.